Program Council

Marzena Czarnecka

Marzena Czarnecka

Minister of Industry

Legal counsel with extensive experience in the regulatory sector and a habilitated doctor in economic sciences. Specializes in regulatory matters, consumer policy, competition law, as well as energy law and labor law.

Author and co-author of scientific publications in the fields of energy and economic law. For over 20 years, she ran a law firm specializing in legal counseling and collaborated with all major, primarily private, energy companies in Poland. Over her career, she also worked as in-house counsel for energy companies. A long-serving Judge of the Disciplinary Court of the District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Katowice.

An academic teacher, lecturer, researcher, and speaker at national and international conferences. Professor and Head of the Department of Energy Transformation at the University of Economics in Katowice. She served as the coordinator of the European project “Tools for Diversity” and has lectured at universities across Europe, including Saarbrücken (Germany) and Granada (Spain). For several years, she represented ACC Europe in Poland. On December 13, 2023, she was appointed Minister of Industry.