
Łukasz Bartela

Łukasz Bartela

Silesian University of Technology

  • Employee of the Department of Energy Machines and Equipment at the Silesian University of Technology.
  • Specializes in technologies supporting decarbonization processes in the power sector. His research interests primarily focus on hybrid energy storage systems.
  • Conducts analyses on the potential use of coal power plant infrastructure for nuclear investment projects. Serves as the project manager of DEsire, which aims to develop a plan for decarbonizing national coal-fired power plants through the utilization of Generation III and IV nuclear reactors.
  • An expert in energy storage and hydrogen economy. Initiator of the Energy Transformation Platform DEsire.
  • Member of the international initiative Repower.
  • Author of over 100 peer-reviewed publications and several inventions. Participant in numerous conferences and panel discussions.